school procedures, policies & forms

Our learning environments are student centred and create a sense of warmth and value towards student abilities and individuality.

a - z procedures

Please see the Parent Handbook for more details on any of the procedures listed below.


Parents are required to advise the class teacher why their child is absent from school for any reason. This may be in the form of a note, phone message or face to face message.

Car Parking

Parent and visitor car parking is located at the back of school on the outer side of the wooden fence posts, or at the front of the school.

10km/ hour speed limit applies to the rear entry access road.

Communicable Diseases

If your child is unwell please keep them at home to ensure the health of other children in the school. Information about school exclusion due to illness can be found on the on the School Exclusion Table by clicking here. This information is maintained by the Department of Human Services.

Excursions (local and bus)

Fire (bushfire)

Loch Sport Primary School is a ‘Code Red’ school, therefore on a Code Red day the school will be CLOSED and no staff will be present.  The school may not be notified until 12pm the day prior to a Code Red day.  An SMS will be sent to families as soon as notification has been received.

Late Arrivals / Early Leave

A note is required from parents or adult family relative for a child going home to lunch or leaving the school for any reason.  The student must be signed out by a parent and signed back in when they return.

All parents MUST sign children in to school when they arrive late and sign children out of school when they leave early. This sign in/ out sheet is located in the office foyer.
We prefer you notify the school in writing when your child will be picked up by a different person.

Money at School

A notice will be sent home advising if any money is required at school. All money is to be given directly to the classroom teacher. All money is best placed and sealed in an envelope with the child’s name and what money is for, and given to the grade teacher or Mary Jones at the office on Thursdays or Fridays. Children are discouraged from bringing large amounts of money or valuables to school. The school will not be responsible in the event loss or damage occurs.

Travelling to School or Home

All students must wear a helmet if they ride a bike to school. Students without a helmet will not be allowed to ride home.

Lost Property

Lost property is located in the school office foyer. Any clothing or items found around the school will be put into this basket. Office staff will return named items to students.

Items not named/unclaimed will be either sent to the second hand shop or a local opportunity shop.


a - z policies

Digital Learning
Duty of Care
Health Care Needs
Student Wellbeing and Engagement

a -z forms

